Keeping our customers on the road

  • Vehicle Diagnostics

    Vehicle Diagnostics

Vehicle Diagnostics

Your engine is made up of hundreds of parts so when a fault is alerted on your dashboard it may not be obvious.

Our Bosch diagnostic equipment reads the error codes generated by your vehicle’s Engine Control Unit to provide a full explanation of the issue, so you don’t have to go to an expensive dealership.

Our car diagnostic test checks for faults across a wide range of vehicle systems including engine management, tyres, emissions, lights and comfort controls.

Unsure or worried? Book a convenient slot and let us take a look

VOSA DVSA Vehicle Testing Station
Good To Go England
Independant Garage Association
Trust My Garage

Opening hours

Mon-Fri 8am - 5pm
Sat 8am - 1pm
Sun - Closed


Unit 4 Alpha Business Park
Deedmore Road
West Midlands


Phone: 024 7661 4837